06 October 2006

Preserve Asian American Immigrant History

I learned about this through the AAPA listserve You can vote everyday to save Angel Island Immigration Station til October 30th!


***Did you or your families come as immigrants?
***Would you like to preserve a key and unique site of Asian American immigration history?***Do you want to support the famous Chinese poems written by Angel Island detainees?
***If you said yes to any of these, then take 1 minute, click and vote here:


*NOTE: You can vote every day for the Angel Island Station until October 31st.*

*Background:*As many of you know, the Angel Island Immigration Station was the gateway and detention center for many Asian Americans in the early part of this century. Known as the Ellis Island of the West, this historical site is noted for the Chinese poems carved into the barracks walls by the detainees.

However, the site is in desperate need of renovation to preserve the entire station. American Express is conducting a contest to determine which historical site will receive funding in its restoration efforts. Your vote for the Angel Island Immigration Station will help to secure funds for this restoration effort.

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